In October 2023, a handover of several PTTA Rajawali Drones type 330 was occured between the Ministry of Defense and Bhinneka Dwi Persada. Rajawali 330 is suitable for reconaisance and surveilance of territories.  The drone is capable of flying up to 35 km in 3 hours without stopping. 

Inspection of drones and Document Checking by MOD personnel nnd Director of Bhinneka Dwi Persada.

Determining coordinates of the flight path for the drones. 

Team from PT. Bhinneka Dwi Persada carried out final preparations and checks before flight. After the preparations are complete, the unmanned aircraft flies for a distance of 35 km or 3 hours of non-stop flying

The PTTA 330 re-function test activity letter was signed at Nusawiru Airport, Pangandaran after it was stated that 3 PTTA aircraft had been successfully flown

        On June 16 2021, a Test Flight Activity for the Mi-17V5 Helicopter was carried out, the activity was followed by an inspection team from Puspenerbad and the Bhinneka Dwi Persada Team which took place at squadron 31 Semarang.

In this activity, a flight test was carried out for the MI-17 No.5158 Helicopter which had been completed at Overhaul and was ready to be tested so that it could be seen whether there was damage or not from the helicopter.

video of PTTA aircraft successfully flying a distance of 35 km or flying for 3 hours without stopping and landing well