Bhinneka           dwi persada

Rajawali UAV


make dream comes true

Always provide the best service and fulfill the commitments made by customers and users.

BHINNEKA DWI PERSADA was founded in 1997 and is a limited liability company involved in the representation and distribution, as well as a supplier or provider of defense equipment for the INDONESIAN NASIONAL ARMY (TNI).

Since 2014, PT BHINNEKA DWI PERSADA has transformed into an engineering-based company supported by experienced aerospace engineering experts from various parts of the world that enable the company to offer complete design, manufacture, and qualification of defense and commercial products. So that since 2014, PT BHINNEKA DWI PERSADA has joined the National Defense Industry (INHAN).


Rajawali UAV 330


Endurance : 6 - 8 hours


Cruise Speed : 80 km/h.


Max Level Speed : 120 km/h


Radius of Action : 50 km

what They’re Saying

bhinneka news↓

Maintenance Test Flight Of Helicopter MI-17V5

        On June 16 2021, a Test Flight Activity for the Mi-17V5 Helicopter was carried out, the activity was followed by an inspection team from Puspenerbad and the Bhinneka Dwi Persada Team which took place at squadron 31 Semarang. In this activity, a flight test was...

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bhinneka dwi persada

Try Make Miracle